OLDER people will unite for the first grey power event of 2002 on Friday.

Makerfield MP and pensions minister, Ian McCartney, will address the meeting at Wigan Town Hall which it is hoped will help shape lives this year and for the future.

Issues and Opportunities: An agenda for 2002 has been organised by the elderly for the elderly in conjunction with Age Concern and Wigan social services.

Around 100 are expected to attend the unique event which will be addressed by older people's champions Eve Crabtree, Joanne Eckersley Hope and Cllr John O'Neill who will outline their priorities for 2002 in the light of the government's National Service Framework for Older People.

The document is the key vehicle for ensuring that the needs of older people are at the heart of the reform programme for health and social services.

Delegates will have the chance to question the speakers and the choir from Low Hall Primary School, Hindley, will entertain.