TEENAGE girls who successfully completed the Ready or Not Scheme, which gave them a taste of what it feels like to be a parent, received their certificates.

The scheme was a first for Darwen and was organised by Sure Start and Youthworks to give would-be teenage mums an idea of the responsibilities of parenthood.

Sure Start midwife Jean Houghton said: "Being given the chance to take home a virtual baby for 48 hours has been a real eye opener' for some of the girls."

The baby, equivalent to a 7lb newborn, came with all its accessories, including a pram and changing bag.

It needed frequent attention, including during the night.

The course also included a visit to the Brook Advisory Centre and maternity unit at Queen's Park Hospital, Blackburn.

A group of teenage boys are now looking forward to starting their Ready or Not course on January 21.

For further information on the course, contact Jean Houghton or Michelle Grogan at Sure Start on 01254 761044.