A LIGHT dish featuring good, wholesome ingredients from the soil feature in this week's culinary creation from Nigel Smith, of the Feilden's Arms, Mellor Brook.

Crushed potato and leek terrine:


1lb new potatoes, peeled

2 medium size leeks, cut into quarters

Half a pint of chicken stock

Salt and pepper

2oz fresh truffle (optional due to cost)

Place potatoes into a pan and cover with chicken stock and salt. Boil gently for 15-20 minutes. Remove the potatoes from the pan and place into a bowl. Using a fork, lightly crush the potatoes.

Wash the leeks well and place them into the chicken stock. Return to the heat and cook until the leeks are soft, for approximately seven minutes.

Remove the leeks from the chicken stock and leave to one side. Place the chicken stock back onto the heat and reduce until almost syrup.

Take a bread tin and lightly line with cling film. Place layer of crushed potatoes into the bottom and season with salt and pepper. Top with alternating layers of leek and potato, adding a drizzle of reduced chicken stock between each layer.

Wrap in cling film and gently apply weight on top, eg. a tin of baked beans.

Leave in fridge for 24 hours. Remove from fridge and turn upside down. Using a sharp knife cut through the potatoes and leeks, place on to a plate and serve with mixed leaves, prawns and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.