RADICAL changes to the way council houses are awarded will be debated later this week.

Residents are invited to discuss the new draft lettings policy when Bury Housing Forum meets on Thursday (Jan 24).

The policy covers a whole range of issues, and suggests replacing the current "points" system with four priority bands.

People who owe previous rent, convicted "nuisance neighbours" and those with no local connection could be suspended from the register.

Another proposal is to set up a property shop, and advertise a substantial number of vacancies to all-comers.

The council hopes that the new system will give prospective tenants more choice, and enable properties to be let more quickly.

Councillor John Smith, housing spokesman, said: "This is another opportunity to help the council introduce policies that are relevant to our tenants, now and in the future."

Thursday's meeting starts at 9.15am in Bury Town Hall's Elizabethan Suite. For more details, contact Kay Johnson on 253 5533.