PLANS to build 13 houses close to an historical coaching house have been dismissed on appeal.

Developers behind the plans for Coal Clough House, Burnley, were refused outline planning permission by Burnley Council for the scheme, which included conversion of a coaching house on the site.

An appeal against that decision has now been dismissed following an informal hearing.

The appeal inspector considered the main issue to be the effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the site and surrounding area and with particular regard to the potential impact on trees protected by a tree preservation order.

The inspector found that bearing in mind government advice to make more efficient use of land in urban areas, residential development of the site and conversion of the former house to apartments would be acceptable in principle.

The proposed siting of the 13 houses, however, would be wholly incompatible with the established setting of the locally listed building and the steep valley form of the site.

The arrangement of the new dwellings would not reflect the compact pattern of development of that part of Burnley.

It would intrude awkwardly into the setting of existing buildings and disregard the main focal point of the frontage of the original house.

The protected trees had a high amenity value and would be a risk of significant damage. It was also very likely that future occupiers would exert pressure for the removal of some trees because of their size and proximity.

The secluded character of the site contrasted strongly with that of the traditional terrace streets said the inspector who concluded the development cause significant harm to the character and appearance of both the site and surrounding area.