AN East Lancashire council has appointed a new man to head its regeneration departments.

Adam Scott, who is from the North East, will be in charge of Blackburn with Darwen's newly created regeneration, housing and neighbourhoods department.

Mr Scott is currently assistant director of regeneration and economic development of Stockton-on-Tees Council.

A town planner by qualification, the new director has been working on urban regeneration and local development projects for two decades.

In Stockton he is currently responsible for work in regeneration and neighbourhood renewal, community development, business development, and bids for external funding.

The new post at Blackburn with Darwen will take a key role in working with elected members and partners across all sectors on key regeneration, housing and neighbourhood issues.

The department is responsible for delivering the regeneration of Blackburn town centre, attracting inward investment, supporting businesses and industry, job creation schemes, bids for external funding, tourism, community development and markets management.

Its staff also administer the planning and environmental health service and develop the borough's housing strategy.

Mr Scott said he was attracted to the post by the Council's national profile and excellent reputation.

He said: "I am looking forward to familiarising myself with the area and working with the communities of Blackburn with Darwen."