EDUCATION Action Zones were introduced by the Government in 1997 in a bid to raise educational standards in rural and urban areas.

They are briefed to do this by sharing good practice and encouraging and developing new approaches to teaching and learning.

Blackburn with Darwen's EAZ works alongside the private sector.

In this way education can better meet the needs of business, increasing mutual understanding between schools and the business community, Mary Carley, corporate development manager, said.

In the long term, companies are expected to benefit from a better trained workforce and a more united community. In the short term, business can gain marketing opportunities as well as encourage their staff to develop new skills.

Blackburn with Darwen EAZ also works with business on the sponsorship of events and the funding of projects or equipment.

Schools can benefit from pupils visiting the workplace or from employers spending time in the classroom.

Mary Carley can be contacted on 01254 689767.