THE National Pyramid Trust works with primary school pupils in years 3 and 4 who may be lacking self-confidence.

Pyramid clubs mean they can participate in group activities in a n informal, safe-haven environment.

A wide range of volunteers is involved, including non- teaching assistants, and the after-school clubs are aimed at helping develop pupils' team working, personal and social skills.

The Pyramid Scheme in Blackburn with Darwen is now one of the largest in the country.

Its clubs offer a safe place where children can be heard, have fun and receive unlimited support from their club leaders.

The leaders are carefully selected from different walks of life and trained to develop children's confidence and enthusiasm.

The successful Blackburn scheme was set up in 2000 and is flourishing under the umbrella of the national body, which itself got under way in 1998.

There are more than a dozen schemes nationwide.

Active members include St. Anthony's RC; St. James CE, Lower Darwen; St. James CE Darwen; Shadsworth Juniors; St. Aidan's CE; St. Mary and St. Joseph's RC; Intack Primary; Holy Trinity CE, Darwen; St. Matthew's CE, Lammack; St. Cuthbert's CE, Darwen; Meadowhead Juniors; St. Peter's RC; St. Barnabas and St. Paul' s; St. Luke and St. Philip's; Daisyfield Primary; Sacred Heart RC and Lower Darwen Primary.