THERE are reports in the media yet again of elderly people blocking hospital beds because they can't be discharged home -- or have nowhere to go. At some hospitals, six per cent of patients are involved.

So Lancashire County Council's proposal to close more than two thirds of East Lancashire's homes for the elderly doesn't appear to be logical.

County Councillor Chris Cheetham states that to manage the transition of residents from a home that is to be closed -- to where? -- there will be an individual social worker for each person. Really?

Has the number of social workers increased so much then, or does it mean elderly residents will have a social worker allocated to them who also has numerous others to deal with?

Elderly people should still have the choice of fragmented care at home, or a residential care home with 24-hour care. These options are being seriously depleted.

KATHLEEN BULCOCK, WIlkie Avenue, Burnley.