WAKEY, wakey! All you people concerned about our old folk being taken out of their accommodation and taken heaven knows where.

Slobodan Milosovich is on trial right now for doing just that. He deliberately killed them.

We have far more subtle means of killing off our OAPs. Just moving them will do the trick in many cases.

That overworked, mean-nothing phrase 'Care in the community,' will get rid of more, and yet all you sheep will vote Labour in May when the county elections come up.

How long before the so-called sub-standard old folk's homes are filled with asylum seekers?

Is there no one in Britain who has the guts to say 'Enough is enough?'

It is time we had a fast-track system that sorts out the scroungers from the genuine.

We are the laughing stock of Europe and it's time we showed some backbone as we showed in 1939 and told these woolly-minded politicians to either get something done, or get out.

J FIELDEN, Padiham Road, Burnley.