MAGISTRATES, court staff and court users gathered to say farewell to Jack Dickinson, who has sat at Blackburn magistrates since 1985.

Mr Dickinson, a member of the licensing committee, youth panel and probation liaison committee, has been forced to retire after reaching the age of 70.

And the current chairman of the bench, Neville Cordingly, and other speakers expressed their regret that the compulsory retirement age should rob the bench of a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Mr Cordingly also paid tribute to Mr Dickinson's wife, Joan.

"Like all our partners she has supported Jack in his work as a magistrate from the day of his appointment," said Mr Cordingly.

Ken Ashby, who was appointed to the bench at the same time as Mr Dickinson, said they had become great friends since.

"There were 12 of us in the class of '85 and after today, sadly, there will only be six left," said Mr Ashby.

Mr Dickinson said being a magistrate had given him an enormous amount of pleasure over the years.

"The friendship I have experienced as part of this bench is something that I will treasure always. I would like to thank all my colleagues and the staff for all their help."