WITH regard to the regeneration of Morecambe, is it time to start thinking outside the box?

For example would it be feasible, desirable and beneficial to pedestrianise the whole of the sea frontage from the rounabout near the Town Hall; Lord Street; all the way throught to the Platform roundabout? The only vehicles to be allowed into that area would be free; public transport (and emergency vehicles) stopping regularly along the new thoroughfare in order to deliver happy and safe holidaymakers and local people to plentiful dropping off points.

Such a development would surely give Morecambe a unique edge and be consistent with the brilliant sculptural and lighting developments along the sea frontage and its approach roads?

Problems? Inevitably, but lets see them as challenges to our ingenuity.

High cost? Maybe.

But let's be openly inventive about sponsorship and, yes, honest about maybe a hypothecated rate levied on Morecambe ratepayers only if we have to.

We are limited only by our imaginations!

Barry Bell

Croft Avenue
