ONE Saturday night while out with friends in the town, I saw a man whose clothes were rags, his hair was overgrown and matted, his face unshaven and his skin the colour of coal.

I don't know why his life is where it is today, but I do know no human being should be as he is. I know some would say he is where he is because he drinks or he is an addict, but this man asked for nothing.

Even so, I and my friend gave him money and told him to get something to eat. He thanked us and went on his way.

Minutes later, I saw him again on Darwen Street and he had done exactly that. he didn't buy alcohol, he relieved his hunger -- something, to me, which no human should ever suffer.

So next time you see a genuine homeless person, imagine how they must feel and, secondly, imagine how you would feel if one day that was you as a loved one.

ROSE HARRISON, Lower Hollin Bank Street, Blackburn.