PLANS to convert two barns at Bracewell into houses look likely to be refused by councillors for a second time tonight on the grounds of road safety.

The application submitted by Rural Solutions Ltd relates to Stock Cottage Barn and Croft Gate Barn, which are next to an unmade track serving Croft Gate House.

The company intends to transform the redundant barns into single dwellings with office or workshop space.

Planning permission to convert the barns, first applied for in 1996, was refused on the grounds that it would be contrary to local policy and road safety and lead to increased traffic.

Similar concerns have been submitted to the council by residents opposing the new plans.

Planning officers have recommended that members of tonight's West Craven Committee should refuse the proposals on the grounds they are unacceptable.

They believe that the development would be contrary to the interests of road safety and that it could also jeopardise the A59 trunk road.

They also said the plans could lead to an increased number of vehicles waiting to turn right in the overtaking lane of the A59.

Furthermore, the vehicles overtaking might not realise that such a vehicle was stationary and have to take sudden movements to avoid a collision.