A PLAN to build six semi-detached houses on land adjoining Ivy Cottages, Townsend Street, Waterfoot, is set to get the go-ahead.

The planning application has prompted objections including that the ratio of car parking spaces to properties is inadequate, trees and bushes would be lost, the gardens would extend into Green Belt and there are serious traffic and car parking difficulties in the area.

Members of the development control committee which meets tomorrow are being recommended to approve the plans.

An officer's report says: "The proposed garden areas would fall outside the urban boundary and within land defined as Green Belt in the Rossendale District Local Plan.

"Green Belt police restriction apply only to the erection of new buildings. As such gardens are acceptable in principle as long as they retain openness.

"The applicant proposes a generous amount of car parking space. Three visitor parking spaces are proposed as well as two per dwelling."