AS THE proverbial King of Jealousy gives us an insight into his facts and knowledge of the pride of Lancashire, yet again (LET, February 26), it actually beggars belief that a bit of solidarity and congratulations cannot be extended to a fellow Lancashire team for winning a piece of silverware and putting the county back on the map.

It's a sad, sad day when 'Mr Burnley' has to keep mentioning out-of-date facts about our beloved Rovers.

Comedy comes in all shapes and form we've had our laughs over the years at your expense.

But the only ones laughing now are us Roverites. We're in the Premiership, we're in Europe and, we're worthy Worthington winners and we're laughing down at you.

The nation waits with bated breath for when Stephen Cummings actually writes about his own team's 'Cummings and Goings' and leaves us Roverites to bask in glory and joy.

J P HAYHURST, Whitendale Crescent, Blackburn.