FOLLOWING the latest 'Metric Martyrs' decision there has been the usual hysteria whipped up against those of us who oppose the corrupt and undemocratic structures of the European Union.

Steve Thoburn and the others do not oppose metrication per se, they actually had metric scales on their premises, what Steve is fighting for is the freedom to choose, something quite alien to the bureaucrats of the EU.

The case has been about their right to serve customers in the weights that they want.

How many of us still ask for a pound of bacon or a pint of beer?

If asked your height or weight do you answer in imperial or metric?

Britain is the only country in Europe that has made measures other than metric illegal.

Peter Hain talks the usual gibberish about ' people who oppose joining the Euro being anti-European'.

Most of us who oppose the EU do so because we believe in Britain working with the whole world, rather than being locked into the fortress EU.

Unlike the rest of us most EU fanatics don't even accept the existence of the 31 European states that are not part of the EU.

If there is to be a Euro referendum next May could we please have a grown up debate, with adult language and attitudes, about the real issues rather than hysterical and irrational attacks on those of us opposed to the Euro and continued EU membership.

Gregg Beaman


UK Independence Party

North Lancashire

& Cumbria Branch