PROBLEM flats may be demolished and bungalows built across the road.

Rossendale Council has granted planning permission to sell land at Woodside Crescent, Newchurch, to allow the building of bungalows.

West Pennine Housing Association will be allowed to build 13 bungalows to replace Orlit Flats, subject to final approval by the Secretary of State.

Development control committee councillors were told the flats opposite the proposed development were problematical precast reinforced concrete and difficult to let.

The council has already decided that when the new development is built the flats will be demolished.

Elderly tenants in the flats will be rehoused in the new accommodation.

The flats have been described by local councillor Mollie Disley as draughty, extremely cold and needing rewiring and noise insultation.

Councillors have been told that the cost of bringing them up to standard would be prohibitive.

If the development goes ahead, the Association will have to provide 24 garages to replace those on the site of the proposed bungalows.

Existing tenants will either keep their existing garage or have a new one. The development will also involve a grassed "kickabout" area.

Local councillor Graham Pearson said: "There is still concern that the development is very close to the emergency exit of the youth club but that will be sorted out. "The proposal was the idea of the council and it will solve the problem of the flats."

The decision is subject to approval by the Secretary of State as the project involves a departure from the development plan as it is on land currently provided for garage and recreational use.