I AM amazed by the suggestion in James Settle's letter (Feb 15) that just because London's population must suffer immense traffic congestion then we in Bury must endure the same. This makes no sense at all.

I, too, have spent a lot of time in and around London over the years and, believe me, I am full of empathy for those poor individuals in need of emergency care. Just because London is practically beyond redemption in this difficult area I do not believe we should allow our people in Bury to possibly suffer long-term incapacity, or even death, for the sake of a few bob spent on a proper infrastructure.

London is too big, too over-populated and, big as it is, too compacted in most areas. On the other hand, Bury has space to really make a difference.

Next time James visits home let him watch as cars mount the pavement on Rochdale Old Road in order that the ambulance can get through the congestion. Then let him ponder on how the fire engines get through, not forgetting that they are considerably larger and may one day need to attend to an emergency call to the hospital.

As for his last comment, I do appreciate our new hospital and if only the huge empire of management and administration would make a little more room for nursing staff then we would have something to be really proud of.

