TWO letters in the Bury Times (Feb 15) deal with the need for a new access road to Fairfield General Hospital and both ask the question: "Why did no-one think about the road when the hospital was planned?"

Our January meeting was addressed by the chief officer of Bury Community Health Council, Mr Paul Reynolds, who told us:

"When Fairfield was first named as the site for the new hospital in the late 1980s, the first thing the Community Health Council identified was the total inadequacy of the B6222 as the main access route for the Accident and Emergency department."

So, the fight for a new road has been ongoing since the late eighties and early nineties.

May I suggest to correspondents Mr and Mrs Greenwood and Mr Peter Ashworth that if they wish to take part in the campaign for a road they ring 0161 280 3162 or 01706 368160, and get some petition forms. We have been gathering signatures for about three weeks.

Bury Pensioners Association, in collaboration with the Community Health Council, intend to carry on with this fight until "people power" secures the new access road.

At our February meeting our guest speaker was the leader of the council, Councillor John Byrne. He was asked by a member: "Are you in favour of a new access road to the hospital?" His answer was "Yes".

So why are we having an argument?



Bury Pensioners
