RESIDENTS who claim their road has become a 'racetrack' are set to fail in their bid to have it made one-way.

Narrow Oakley Road links Haslingden Road to Hargreaves Drive and the Oakley Estate in Rawtenstall.

Nearly 30 residents signed a petition organised by John Clarkson, who lives in Oakley Road, calling for action to be taken. They want the road to be made one-way from Haslingden Road, work to be carried out to make safe a boundary wall to the Masonic Lodge to reduce its height and the road surface re-laid.

Mr Clarkson said: "Each householder does not necessarily have the benefit of their own drive, and even those that do have drives have restricted space which forces residents and visitors alike to park on the pavement as close to the fence line as possible, which even then, limits the size of vehicle able to pass, a fire engine or other large vehicle would not be able to gain access.

"The fact that vehicles can enter the road from either end causes unbelievable problems and more importantly creates a genuine and serious hazard which will undoubtedly end in a serious.

"I have seen cars and motorbikes travel down this road in excess of 50mph."

Director of development and environmental services John Cowpe's report cites two main reasons for not approving the one-way proposal, firstly that the speed of traffic may increase.

It says: "I would be inclined to recommend that no action be taken to restrict Oakley Road to one-way traffic, but shall arrange for the request to be discussed with traffic officers from the police and Lancashire County Council."

Mr Cowpe points out that the boundary wall is private and the council's powers are only to obviate any immediate danger of collapse but an inspection of the wall is to be carried out.

He has also arranged for the road condition to be inspected.