A BLACKPOOL primary school has been taken out of special measures after a two-year turnaround in its standards.

Our Lady of the Assumption RC Primary School, Common Edge Road was described as "a pleasant, happy and friendly place" by Ofsted in its latest report after an inspection last December.

The voluntary-aided school, which has just under 200 pupils, was placed under special measures after an inspection in May 2000 found it "was failing to give its pupils an acceptable standard of education."

But just 22 months later, a two-day inspection last December has led to the school being praised for its improvements.

A report on the inspection praised the school's head teacher and staff for their team work and said classroom assistants "support the teaching well."

The improvement in the school's National Curriculum test results was also highlighted in the report. The number of pupils reaching the higher level at Key Stage One was above average in reading and mathematics with all of the year two pupils reaching or exceeding the national benchmark in maths, it said.

The December 12-13 inspection looked at lessons and assemblies and inspectors also looked at samples of pupils' work and held meetings with teachers.

Head teacher Eileen Brierley said the turnaround was down to everyone in the school "pulling together".

She said: "We are delighted. It has energised everybody and there is a very positive feeling in school at the moment. It's a hard time when you are in special measures -- it can be a bit demoralising."

Miss Brierley added: "Certainly the children have made a significant contribution. Everybody has pulled together from children, teaching staff, assistant staff and governors to parents who have helped and stood by us."