EXTERNAL auditors have said Burnley Borough Council is making good progress.

The District Audit Service praised management arrangements, the new pilot democratic structure based on a leader with executive, preparation of accounts and performance management arrangements.

But councillors have drawn up a 12-point action plan to improve good practice in line with auditors' suggestions, including a 'comprehensive review' of performance management arrangements, improvements to debt recovery arrangements and amending the 'Whistle Blowing Procedure' to make it available to members of the public.

Executive member for Best Value and Resources Peter Kenyon said: "The auditors have recognised the good progress the council has made despite our limited financial and staffing resources. The action plan will address all the auditors' recommendations and I will be asking for a report to the executive in six months to make sure targets set for achieving those actions are achieved."

The annual audit letter is available for inspection at the town hall.