I'm sure next week's pages will be packed with letters ref Crinkley Bottom.

Hope there's room for this one?

While around 140,000 of us muttered into our pints about the Council's

mismanagement of Crinkley Bottom, one chap was actually doing something.

I would like to say thank you to Mike Ford for having the tenacity to take his concerns to the District Auditor.

Although I pity him having to wade through two thousand pages of Mr Portman's report, I have nothing but respect for him.

I am sure many other local people share my sentiments.

Angela Huck

Battismore Road


Indeed they do Angela and there's more like yours to come.

One of the most bogus claims made by mischief-makers is that Mr Ford's objection cost the ratepayer a lot of money.

The truth is that the council failed to respond properly and the auditor has an obligation to investigate how public cash was (mis)managed.

The council could have avoided all that cost if it had behaved responsibly.

There's much more to come on this but thanks for your views - Ed.