THERE'S still no clock at the new Lancaster Bus Station - one year after it first opened.

Bus users say the departure information system is still not working and because the computerised system is also the building's only time display, the bus station has been left without a clock for a whole year.

County Councillor Jonathan Sear said: "This situation is ridiculous.

If it wasn't for health and safety restrictions I would have gone and bought a clock and stuck it to the wall myself by now! Using computer technology to display the actual departure time of buses is hardly rocket science - railway stations have been doing this sort of thing for decades.

If the County Council genuinely was as supportive of bus users as it claims to be I cannot believe it would have allowed this fiasco to drag on for so long."

Councillor Jon Barry said: "Many frustrated bus users have contacted me about this issue and I have raised it several times with officers as well as a specific question at a Full Council meeting.

Surely it's not asking too much for bus users to know the time!"