FRIGHTENED elderly residents are appealing to the council for more lighting outside their sheltered accommodation.

Residents of Mealhouse Lane in Atherton are currently too scared to go out after dark as the entrance to their bungalows, which is at the back of the properties, is so dimly lit they can hardly see, making them feel vulnerable and nervous.

One concerned relative said: "My grandmother is 85 and lives alone, she suffers with her sight and is scared to go out. All the residents there are in a similar situation. These people have lived through two world wars and deserve a better quality of life than this. They are not being treated fairly."

The lack of lighting acts as an open invitation to youths, making the residents a sitting target.

Getting worse

The relative said: "It is getting worse and worse. Youths are banging on the doors trying to get in -- it must be so frightening for them and there is nothing they can do. They, and I, have been in touch with the local authorities who asked us to write a letter telling them, even though I had just explained the situation on the phone. It is bureaucracy gone mad and this is now a desperate problem."

Local councillors have promised to look into the matter.

Cllr Reg Holmes said: "I have inspected the area and the situation is being investigated."

Cllr Bob Splaine said: "There is a problem, especially with the doors to the bungalows being at the back. I have already put in a request for a street lamp to be upgrade, but have been told there is no money available at the moment. The new financial year starts in April, so maybe things will move along then."