A LOTTERY grant worth £20,000 will be used to fund a children's literature festival.

The grant was applied for by Mid Pennine Arts, Yorke Street, Burnley, to host a six week literature festival to move around schools and community venues in East Lancashire.

The festival will run from the beginning of October to the middle of November and will include Burnley, Hyndburn, Pendle, Rossendale, Ribble Valley and Todmorden.

Each area will have a particular theme, including fiction writing and book illustration.

In addition, there will be activities based in open community venues including Gawthorpe Hall, Padiham.

At Gawthorpe Hall a storyteller will be commissioned to create stories especially for them to be performed in the hall and the Great Barn at night along with the bats.

The festival will move from one borough to another during a six-week period

For more information, contact David Smith at Mid Pennine Arts on 01282 421986.