PICTURE the scene: It's a lovely spring day, the birds are singing and there are rows of golden daffodils, nodding their heads, and then -- a big, dirty council mower cuts them all down, leaving them for dead

I am outraged at some of the acts that Blackburn with Darwen Council get up to. Anything good is soon destroyed.

These lovely spring flowers brighten up grassy areas and verges. Why can't the council workers just mow around them until the flowers have died off naturally?

If not, then at least they could gather up the cut-down daffodils and give them to nursing homes. (I doubt this would happen though).

Lastly, I say 'Well done!' to the ladies around Mayfield Flats in Darwen, who stood defiant in the face of a council mower (LET, March 19). Let's hope the council have sat up and taken notice of this courageous stand.

DAVID KIMBERLEY, Duddon Avenue, Darwen.