A STUNNING production of songs from the shows will fill the auditorium at the Hippodrome in Todmorden later this month.

The Magic of the West End will feature the musical talents of local singers, including Debbie Mitchell, Glenn Cannon, Andrea Barker, James Claxton, Abigail Sharp and Joanne Gill.

The production will feature music from shows including West Side Story, Godspell, Sunset Boulevard, South Pacific and Miss Saigon and will be staged at the Hippodrome on Halifax Road from Wednesday to Saturday, April 24-27.

Producer Andrew Rawlinson said: "This is the first musical revue to be performed on stage at the Hippodrome in some time and it promises to be a really special production.

"We have an excellent team of dedicated performers and backstage crew at the Hippodrome and they are all working hard to make this a performance not to be missed."

Tickets are £4.50 on the first night and £6 (£4.50 for under 16s) for the rest of the week, available from Sylvia Sutcliffe on 01706 813655 or from Todmorden Tourist Information on 01706 818181.