ONCE again, D Pearson criticises the Government and the Home Secretary (Letters, March 28) -- this time, over crime being up by 31 per cent in Lancashire.

But what about Blackburn, the town he is supposed to represent?

I and many of my colleagues on crime and disorder committees work hard and give up a lot of our time to work with young offenders, attempting to stop them from reoffending. We look at ways to stop crime in certain hot spots in Blackburn with Darwen.

And as for figures, Coun Pearson, in Blackburn with Darwen in the last 12 months vehicle crime was down by 10 per cent.

In February house burglary in dwellings was down by 23 per cent and in the same period all disorder was down nine per cent.

In the full year, all crime increased by less than one per cent.

RON O'KEEFFE (Snr), East Park Road, Blackburn.