IHAVE worked at the Fir Grove home for the elderly in Burnley for more than 20 years on nights and love my job. To even think of closing these care homes is crazy.

the problem is, the people who make these decisions don't know what's involved. Most of the elderly people I care for would not survive or be safe on their own. Are they going to have care in their own homes 24 hours a day? No.

We have saved many lives when old people have fallen through being unable to act quickly. If they fall at home, a lot of lives would be lost.

I also know that if these closures go ahead, some people will die through shock and upset. Hospital beds are already being taken up by a lot of elderly people. We should work closer with the hospitals so we can free-up beds sooner.

These decisions are too important to be taken by local councillors. The word 'consultation' keeps being used. It means nothing to old people, their relatives and carers -- it's just a word to try to keep us all quiet.

MARGARET GLAUSON, Crabtree Avenue, Edgeside, Waterfoot.