CHUCKLING chat show host Des O'Connor is in the spotlight himself this month with a live one-man show in Blackpool on April 13. What would Morecambe and Wise say?

The popular personality with the permatan is live at the Opera House for the first time since the 70s in a return to his first love - theatre and concert performances.

He said: "On TV I'm the host and it's my job to relax my guests and show them in the best possible light. But on stage it's my time, my turn... singing, dancing, clowning and a few surprises for good measure." Established as one of this country's top showbusiness stars, Des O'Connor is one of only a handful of British stars to be acclaimed internationally on stage and television.

Since 1967 he has been a hugely successful recording star selling more than 15 million records.

His autobiography Bananas Can't Fly was published at the end of last year and he received the Special Recognition Award at the National TV Awards in October 2001.

For tickets and further information call Blackpool Live on (01253) 292029.