HEARING of the Queen Mother's death has prompted happy memories for a Preston standard bearer, including the time she sneaked a smile at her when she was ordered to keep her 'eyes front'.

Fran Coles, of Victoria Street, Lostock Hall, loved the Queen Mum and enjoyed her visits to London as president of the women's section of the Royal British Legion.

She was one of 3,000 standard bearers on parade for the Queen Mother's 90th birthday on August 4 1990. She took time off work as a lollipop lady to make the trip down to London assembling at St James' Park.

"We were told that when the Queen Mother went past us we were to keep our eyes front at all times and not to look at her or smile or anything," she explained.

"She came so close to me I couldn't resist and I looked at her and gave her a big smile -- she was a lovely woman. Marching was our small way of wishing her a happy birthday."

Fran has been a member of the British legion since 1969, the year she married her husband Bernie. She also attended the Queen Mother's 75th anniversary celebrations as patron of the legion.

A dedicated royalist, Fran said: "My love of the royals began when my mother took me to the pictures and I would see the Queen on her horse.

"The Queen mother always struck me as a down to earth woman, she liked fishing, riding and a drop of gin. She was the backbone of the royal family."

According to Fran, the Queen Mum was one of those people who understood her subjects, touring the East End in the Blitz and always happy to talk. She said: "She will be sadly missed by many people."