A GIANT celebration of a school's 150 years has been officially unveiled.

Pupils at Holy Trinity CE Primary School in Cecil Street, Bury have created a colourful mural on wall in the main hall.

It took them four months to paint, with the help of local artist Darren Bradshaw.

Simon Paine, head teacher, said: "Brad, as he is known to the children, worked with every pupil in the school on the mural and we are delighted with the completed work.

"Last year was the school's 150th birthday and we decided the mural would be one of the ways we would celebrate.

"Children were asked to come up with different themes to represent each decade and they did a wonderful job."

A special assembly was held during which photographs of the pupils with the mural were presented to the children. Two cakes, each depicting images from the outsized painting, were served up.

The mural and two display banners were funded through the SRB5 housing project.