NEW apartment blocks are planned on the site of an Atherton landmark.

Rosedale Developments Ltd are to build 33 two- bedroomed apartments on the Briarcroft site at Howe Bridge on cleared land formerly occupied by a large Victorian detached dwelling last used as a youth centre.

After falling into a bad state of repair the building -- in Atherton's conservation area -- was demolished some years ago.

One of the four apartment blocks planned for the site on the Leigh Road frontage, has been designed so it reflects the large house that once stood there.

The blocks will be grouped around an area of open space and there will be car parking space for 51 vehicles.

Town hall planning chiefs approved the plans at a development control committee meeting, despite objections from a couple of nearby residents.

A Hamilton Street resident urged planning chiefs not to approve the plans.

They wrote to the town hall: "The proposal is not good for the Village image or the community's health with the new environmental risks with increase traffic and hazardous access and exits."

They also added that many doctor's surgeries and most high schools were oversubscribed and they did not feel there was demand for this type of property.

A Hindles Close resident also wrote in objecting on the grounds that the plans were "completely out of character" with the conservation area.

Council planning officers reported they did not consider the housing to be out of character and were confidant that the local highway network is capable of accommodating traffic generated by these proposals.