ACCRINGTON chairman Peter Barratt is in a race against time to find a professional for the new season.

The Thorneyholme Road club has been rocked by the news, revealed in later editions of last night's Lancashire Evening Telegraph, that Ashwell Prince will not be fit to take up his place at the club this season.

The 24-year-old Western Province player has had a shoulder operation and has been told by the South African Cricket Board that he will not be considered for a central contract next season if he moves to England.

The club had pleaded with the South Africans to allow Prince to come and receive treatment here, possibly at Old Trafford, but this was refused.

And that leaves Barratt with a near-impossible task of finding a new pro less than three weeks before the start of the new Transco Lancashire League season.

"We have had to find pros at the last minute before," he said. "But it has never happened this late. But we understand that he has to stay in South Africa. He has his career to think about.

"They want him to stay there and get further treatment to make it 100 per cent for next season."

At this late stage Accrington fear they may have missed the boat in terms of the better pros. "That may be right," said Barratt. "But you never know your luck. We could get another guy who is just as good.

"People ask me whether I think we have a good pro and I say ask me on September 8 because you never can tell.

"In 1992 Shaun Young pulled out late and we ended up with Shane Warne so it is not always bad."

Barratt received an email from Western Province coach Vincent Barnes on Good Friday to say there was a possibilty Prince would not be coming to England.

And on Saturday that was confirmed during a phone call to the player.

"There is no resentment," said Barratt. "But it doesn't give us much time to find a new pro and get him a work permit. But we have one or two players in mind."