CLUB physio Dave Fevre must be getting sick of the sight of me!

Just when it seems like I've shrugged off one injury problem, another one crops up and consigns me back to the physio room once again.

It's starting to feel like I've seen more of the medical room down at Brockhall than I have of my own home over the last six months -- I've never known anything like it!

My season started off on the wrong foot when I damaged medial knee ligaments on the first day of the season after a challenge by Fabrizio Ravanelli.

Then I got injured again in our 2-1 defeat at Old Trafford at the turn of the year just when I felt I was getting back to somewhere near my best.

That was a blow, particularly as it meant I missed out on the chance of a possible England call-up against Holland.

And to cap things off, I then got crocked again in a collision with Ipswich keeper Matteo Sereni three weeks ago which left me with damaged ribs.

Imagine my frustration, therefore, when my injury jinx appeared to have struck again on Monday night when I hurt my knee as a result of another crunching tackle against Southampton.

Initially, I feared the worst because my leg got twisted quite badly.

But, thankfully, scans have since shown I should be okay for the Chelsea game on Wednesday night which is a massive relief for me, personally, because every game is a big one between now and the end of the season and I want to play a full part in trying to keep us in the Premiership.

There's nothing worse than that feeling of helplessness when you are sat in the stand injured, watching the rest of your team-mates scrapping for their lives on the pitch in front of you.

I know injuries are one of the hazards of the job but that doesn't make them any less frustrating.

Thankfully, we are lucky at Blackburn because at least we can call on people like Dave Fevre, Phil Batty and Paul Kelly to help us through the bad times.

Those three have worked wonders at this club since they've been here and as far as I'm concerned they're among the best in the business.

You only have to look at the miraculous recovery Jonathan Douglas has made from an injury which could have ended his career to see the kind of work they put in behind the scenes.

As for the Chelsea game, we can take another giant step towards safety with a victory over the Blues on Wednesday.

I thought the whole atmosphere at Ewood was magnificent on Monday night and the fantastic backing we got from the fans certainly didn't go unnoticed among the players.

Now we need you to raise the roof again for a game which could well go a long way to determining what league we are playing in next season.