ARE their Stars In Your Eyes? Open auditions are being held at Blackpool Winter Gardens this Sunday (April 7) for this year's Copycat Kids tribute show on Central Pier courtesy of Scream Management.

And the whole process is being filmed by Libra Televison for a fly-on-the-wall series which will be transmitted on Children's ITV during the summer season.

So If you are between 11 and 18 years of age, can sing like Pink, dance like Destiny's Child or rap like So Solid Crew then vocal auditions kick off from 10.30am for 11 to 16 years, and dance auditions from 2.30pm for 11 to18 years.

Participants must provide their own backing tracks, 2 passport size photographs and a copy of their birth certificate.

Please note all under 16s to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.