Leigh 30 Dukinfield 15

LEIGH RU opened the scoring in this relegation clash when a catch and drive from a line-out saw Paul Hampson touch down for a 5-0 lead.

A break by S Lee was halted short of the line but a simple penalty by Hudspith saw the score increased to 8-0.

Although Leigh were on top, their play was sluggish with several opportunities being wasted, allowing Dukinfield to respond with an unconverted try for a half time score of 8-5.

Soon after the re-start, Harrison finished off a move with a try under the posts for Hudspith to convert, and the latter player was involved again in ther decisive break to feed Wright, only to be denied a score for a forward pass. Bates however, finished off the next effort with a further try converted by Hudspith for a lead of 22-5.

The two sides exchanged penalties before Dukinfield mounted a late rally. Leigh were forced into conceding a string of penalties, allowing the visitors to capitalise with a converted try.

Leigh completed the scoring with the best try of the day when a strike against the head at a scrum saw the ball moved swiftly across the backs for Carlile to touchdown in the corner.