TOTTINGTON Conservative Club have pulled off an amazing coup by signing the most successful crown green bowler in the history of the game - Brian Duncan, writes PHIL THORP.

Preston-based Duncan has won the prestigious Waterloo Cup three times and pretty much everything else on the bowling circuit and he is seen aS just the man to lift the club from the doldrums of the MEN Superleague.

Three other new signings, Peter Considine, Jimmy Derby and Alan Mealor will also boost the village side who face the new season in a much stronger position than in the previous two years.

Club spokesman Mike Kirkpatrick said: "Hopefully these signings will help us compete in the highly competitive league a lot better, especially away from home.

"Our home green is in superb condition after having a great deal of work done to it since last season and everyone is looking forward to the new campaign."

In Tottington's first match they entertain Farmers next Wednesday (April 10). Action starts at 7.30pm.