A NEW LOOK for Blackpool's Harrowside Solarium is on the cards after a futuristic design was rejected by the public.

Blackpool Council wants the derelict Solarium at South Shore to have "a new lease of life" as a hi-tech environmental centre. But residents consulted by the council have called for a rethink on proposed designs for the Art Deco building.

Coun Fred Jackson, the council's portfolio holder for environmental issues, said: "A lot of people are very excited about this potential development and think it would be a great idea to give the solarium such a new lease of life.

"But they have asked for the building's original identity to be kept as much as possible and so the initial plans are being adapted so they are more in keeping with what the public is telling us they want."

The council has authorised the use of the land and building for an environmental centre. And a consortium including Blackpool Environmental Action Team (BEAT) and Lancaster University plans to raise funding from the private and public sectors.

And a bid has been put in to CONTACT -- a partnership of North West universities -- which could help secure more than £500,000 of European development funding.

If the Solarium venture goes ahead, it will be the first satellite "network centre" for Lancaster Environment Centre, a centre of excellence established at Lancashire University.

University spokesman Steve Riches said: "It's great news that the council has endorsed the use of the land and building and recognises the benefits this project would bring to Blackpool in terms of business support, a new visitor attraction and as an education resource."

Coun Jackson added: "People want to retain the Solarium and see it put to good use for future generations.

"We're talking to private businesses and hope some big-name industries might back the scheme. A lot of agencies are also expressing an interest in the scheme."

For more information on the scheme and how businesses and the public can get involved, log on to www.environet21.org.uk/blackpool or phone Local Agenda 21 development officer Duncan Broadbent on (01253) 478426.