SAFETY inspectors have launched an investigation after two girls were injured on a ride at an Easter funfair.

Sheila Cheetham, of Fielding Crescent, Blackburn, today claimed her six year-old granddaughter could have been killed in the accident at Witton Park, Blackburn, and said she would be taking legal advice.

The ride has been shut down for the remainder of the annual fair, which ends tomorrow , while the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigates.

Sheila's granddaughter, Lana, cut her head and bruised her back, while her daughter, Amanda, 16, fractured a wrist. Both were taken to Blackburn Royal Infirmary on Wednesday night.

The owner of the ride, John Hill, admitted there was an accident but claimed the family's story contradicted what he had heard about the incident.

Sheila said Lana and brother Dylan Joseph, four, were whirling around on a double decker bus on the old fashioned merry-go-round type ride and Lana was thrown off.

Sheila, with whom Dylan and Lana, Meadowhead Infant School pupils, Blackburn, live, said: "I tried to catch her but had no chance. She was bruised and shaken. It looked worse than it was because of all the blood.

"Lana could've been killed falling on her head like that, she was very lucky.

"Amanda tried to get Dylan off, but the ride hit her as it came around and fractured her arm.

"I have got an appointment to speak to a solicitor on Monday and will take it from there."

Mr Hill said: "I don't know a lot about it, but other witnesses have told me what went on and that was different from what the family said last night.

"It's their prerogative if they want to take legal advice. I cannot do much about that. The ride is out of action at the moment."

Paul Brady, of the HSE, said: "We are investigating an incident that has been reported about a six-year-old and 16-year-old involved in an accident on a fairground ride in Blackburn."

A police spokesman said: "The ride has been closed, and will be until inspectors give it the all clear.

"We would be involved if there was a potential for a crime to be investigated, but in this instance we just responded to a call to attend the scene. We then passed the case onto the HSE."