NEWS of a local amateur dramatic group's latest production has spread worldwide!

Members of PADOS have been inundated with letters and good luck messages for their production of singer/songwriter Barry Manilow's blockbuster musical, Copacabana.

The PADOS crew, who rehearse at PADOS House in St Mary's Road, Prestwich, were delighted last year when they learned they had secured the first amateur production of Copacabana in the region.

They have been in lengthy rehearsals ever since and have put a lot of effort into creating a memorable show, not least in creating the magnificent costumes.

The popular all-singing, all-dancing clubland musical is well-known around the world and some of the show's many fans have registered their support on the Internet after PADOS announced the production.

Joint publicity officer for the group, Santi Paradeda, said they had received messages from Barry Manilow fans from as far away as Washington, Pennsylvania and Seattle wishing the group every success.

He added: "It has been really nice and encouraging. They don't stop coming!

"People have been saying how lucky we are to be in the cast and what a fantastic show Copa is."

Santi said some of the fans had seen the show up to 20 times and added: "It seems Barry Manilow fans do this sort of thing, but we are not complaining."

The group has also had a request from a woman in America asking for an autographed programme of the PADOS show.

She intends to use it for a charity fund-raising event to raise cash for the Cancer Research Trust in Seattle.

"Of course we will send her the programme and some of our posters and other bits," " said Santi.

Set in 1947 America, Copacabana tells the story of Lola who heads for the bright lights of New York.

After getting her break at the Copacabana club, Lola falls in love with Tony but rival club owner Rico also spots her talent and kidnaps her.

The show opens at the Dancehouse Theatre in Oxford Road, Manchester, on Tuesday, April 16, and runs until the following Saturday (April 20). Performances are at 7.30pm nightly with a Saturday matinee at 2.30 pm. Tickets, £7 and £9, are available from the Dancehouse Box Office on 237 9753 or by calling 766 4510.