WHAT a disgraceful situation we have reached when a local councillor is prevented from raising animal welfare issues at a meeting to discuss the future of Blackpool Zoo (Citizen, March 21).

I am appalled that the animals who are unfortunate enough to live in this awful and unnatural place are not allowed even this basic consideration by the council responsible for it.

Why are people so reluctant to face the truth of what goes on at this zoo? Elephants have been trained to perform circus tricks with the use of electric goads and winching/stretching. This took place under the direction of Blackpool Council (which purports to be against animal circuses). What hypocrisy. Good for you Councillor Callow for raising this important question. I wish that other Blackpool councillors would place the best interests of the animals at the top of their agenda too. Sadly I don't think enough of them care.

Louise McGettigan,

South Street,
