SUE Archer (Your Letters, March 22) complains about mothers with young children getting in her way. Yes, Ms Archer, it is quite obvious that you are not a mother.

Just what does she think we stay-at-home mothers do all day? I suggest that she take a week off work and stay at my house: but bring your running shoes. I have two children under six and I rush from place to place, most days not sitting down even to think until the children are in bed at 9pm. I rush from one swimming lesson to another; I fit in library visits; football coaching and Beavers (not to mention the hectic school run) and I serve on five voluntary committees, including the school parents association and playgroup.

When I manage to fit in my shopping I drive to the supermarket and because I can't find a mother-and-child space I inevitably end up at the far end of the car park. Then I have to wake my three-year-old and carry him to the store whilst he objects furiously at being woken up. Then, after a most stressful time shopping, I have to take the overflowing shopping trolley (plus grumpy child) all the way back across the car park.

Has Ms Archer ever tried to steer an awkward and heavy trolley whilst dragging a child in the midst of a tantrum?

Mine is a 24-hour-a-day job. I would love the luxuries of lunch breaks and switching-off at home at the end of a working day. I do remember how easy it was before children but I love them and my life; I wouldn't swap what I have for anything.

No, Ms Archer, I do not have time to sit and wait.