AS A change from reporting on Mr Blobby and bickering by local politicians, perhaps you will consider an entirely different subject which I hope will be of general interest.

I wonder if your readers could help me to make an important decision?

I have recently been informed that should I attain the age of eighty years I will receive an extra 25p per week pension.

The question is, how can I make best use of this beneficence?

Perhaps you could offer your readers a prize for the best suggestion.

Some might remember the days of "5 cigarettes, half pint of beer and change from a tanner."

I promise the Chancellor not to indulge in reckless spending and disturb the economy!

Several options have come to mind.

Put it towards a first class stamp, buy an extra 300ml of petrol (which should just get me home from the garage, buy two sausages, one burger of 100g of mince, save for two weeks and buy a bar of chocolate or a pear, take up smoking and buy one cigarette.

I feel sure that it would have been comforting for me to have known, whilst navigating a Wellington Mk 2 on an eight hour night trip (with no guarantee of breakfast) that I had this treat to look forward to.

In those days a good landing was one you could walk away from! Reflecting on my RAF days, I have come to the conclusion that probably the best use I can make of this increase in income is to save it for four weeks and buy a lottery ticket.

Should this prove to be a good investment I will be glad to acquaint Messrs Smiling Tony Blair and Prudence Brown with the wartime victory salute.

Oh happy days!

Ex RAF Navigator
