I SEE Eric Leaver has joined those decrying the efforts of those committed to reduce the appalling toll of casualties on the counties roads. (LET, April 24).

According to him, twenty-odd deaths a year is "very very few." Well, I don't think the families of any one of these "twenty-odd" would agree.

One death caused by a speeding vehicle is too many, especially when these losses are avoidable.

Everyone who drives a motor vehicle has to accept they are in control of what can be a lethal weapon. They must, therefore, accept the responsibility for safety that comes with the privilege of holding a licence and driving a vehicle.

Every driver knows the speed limit in a built-up area is 30mph. There is only one factor that causes a vehicle to exceed the limit -- that is the person behind the wheel.

Too many drivers feel that its all right to exceed the limit. The limits are exactly that -- limits, set for one reason and that is to try to make the roads safer for all users, not only motorists.

All of us who drive are, therefore, given a free choice. Adhere to the speed limit, which is the law, and you will not receive a fine and penalty points.

Choose to exceed the limit and you will more than likely find yourself with penalty points and a fine.

If Mr Leaver feels that loss of life is a minor problem, he should think again.

Having had the first-hand experience of seeing the effects such a sudden violent loss has on those left to grieve, I believe he should apologise for his remarks which could cause immense distress to families who have lost someone in these tragic and avoidable circumstances.

I welcome the increase in enforcement on the county's roads brought about by the Lancashire Partnership for Road Safety.

DAVE TAYLOR (address received).