FRED Dibnah marked the start of his birthday celebrations with one almighty bang.

The Bolton steeplejack and TV personality visited neighbouring Bury on Sunday to do what he does best -- felling a 150ft high chimney in the Kirklees Valley, Brandlesholme.

And you can click HERE to watch the moment the chimney stack fell.

It was all in a day's work for Fred, who is 64 today. Just before the chimney came crashing down, he said: "I've done about 90 of these and it is simply old hat now. This one's nice and easy.

"There's not many left to knock down now and it is quite sad that another piece of our history is to disappear."

More than 400 people turned out in rain and hail to watch Fred light the fire which brought the chimney tumbling to the ground in 14 minutes and 30 seconds. It had been built for Kirklees Bleach Works 152 years ago.

Fred said: "I hope everyone enjoyed it. The weather was quite good -- we've felled chimneys in much worse. There were no hitches and the chimney fell a lot quicker than I thought it would."

Despite rumours that this was Fred's last chimney felling, the celebrity steeplejack said: "No way, not unless I drop dead tomorrow."

The spectacular event was organised by Woodford Industries Ltd, a Bolton-based company which is reclaiming the 14 acre site for a development of 129 homes.