WE ALL know what it's like to be a young teenager.

Bored! Yes, nowhere to go etc etc sounds familiar doesn't it?

Well I visited Blackburn recently where a nightclub called Eutopia opens its doors to teenagers once a month.

The queue of kids waiting to get in was huge.

It is £5 admission but if you become a member it costs £ 3.

Up to date music (which is a must) but of course no alcohol.

After going to this nightclub I encouraged my children to go to the Dome at Morecambe, again a once a month disco.

Very disappointed and boring said my children.

The music was dull and dated.

Not very impressed at all, they actually left at 8pm.

I applaud Freds on the Ball and the Dome for having a go, but can more be done?

So come on Morecambe and Lancaster nightclubs take a leaf out of Eutopia's book.

They seem to have got it right.

It is extra revenue for you and it keeps our kids off the street.

I am sure if you ask 13 to 17 year olds they would agree we could do what Blackburn nightclubs are doing but better.

Mrs Hague
