VOLUNTEERS are needed to ensure rivers in Rossendale are cleaned.

Two previous dates set aside for this purpose, which unfortunately had to be called off, have been rescheduled for next week so that local 'Greens' who want to lend a hand can do so.

Rossendale Rivers Initiative had to cancel previously arranged dates for the proposed clean ups in Stacksteads and Crawshawbooth, but now they will go-ahead on Wednesday and Thursday.

Volunteers to help clean Limy Water, in Crawshawbooth, should meet at the bottom of Co-operation Street in Crawshawbooth at 6.30pm on Wednesday.

The following evening a team will meet outside the Rose 'n' Bowl in Newchurch Road, Stacksteads, at 6.30 to clean up the River Irwell.

Local people, concerned about the environment and the damage done to it by fly tippers, have identified the areas as grot spots.

Rossendale Council, who share their concern, has agreed to fund the event, together with the Mersey Basin Campaign.

Litter pickers, gloves and bags have been provided and volunteers should wear waterproof footwear.